Future Energy Week supports Innovation Challenges for the Dutch power sector

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 22:00 GST. Future Energy Week, in partnership with nlmtd, management consultancy providing strategy & innovation services, TNW, leading global technology media, and three Dutch Energy distribution service operators: Alliander, Enexis Groep, and Stedin, supports the Rethinking Energy platform in their hunt for innovative technological solutions for the challenges of the energy sector.
The increasing energy demand, grid decentralization, global decarbonization efforts and increasing regulatory burden require the power sector to constantly keep adapting. Companies that are not fully prepared for the future crises yet would face major struggles unless they invest in innovation and do it smartly.
Rethinking Energy Challenges aim to match specific Future industry problems with global technological solution providers through innovation scouting. The Challenges announced by our coalition are open for applications from companies with already developed products and services. Leveraging the best solutions and avoiding internal development efforts reduces the cost, time, and risk of innovation.
The ongoing challenges, supported by Future Energy Week, are:
Challenge #1. Open data: Predicting future energy supply & demand
Energy transition and electrification boosts energy consumption levels on a global scale. In addition to decentralization, driven by the proliferation of renewables, the grid operators are facing more complex and less predictable energy consumption profiles, threatening grid stability. Open data and latest technology is a proven tool for predicting demand & supply levels.
Wanted: data-driven solutions, helping predict energy supply and demand in a specified geographical area based on public and commercial data and consumer behavior.
Challenge #2. Creating resilient local energy systems.
Due to the shift in energy generation from top-down to a multi-directional system, electricity flows are constantly changing. The energy grids are not yet prepared for the future changes in demand that can potentially knock the system out of balance. The challenge #2 focuses on ways to match supply and demand at a local level by efficiently exchanging energy between users and suppliers.
Wanted: integral services or concepts which can enable the formation of local energy communities and systems.
Qualification requirements and applications are open via the Rethinking Energy’s website until June 20th.
In order to discuss partnership opportunities with Future Energy Week, please contact Andrii Bilovusiak, Head Organizer at Future Energy Week, at ab@cfcbigideas.com